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Featured reviews

I am a very long-time player, and have been stuck in Plat/Emerald for about 6 years. This year I decided I wanted to get serious about finally reaching Diamond, and so sought out coaching I found Shelbion via a posting on Reddit, and reached out to him to see if it might be a good fit. He responded promptly, and was incredibly professional. He negotiated a price per session with me that was reasonable, given his level of expertise, and after an initial session to assess my current level and goals, we settled on 16 sessions to get what I needed from coaching. After 14 sessions, and about 4 months, I've hit Diamond for the first time, after playing for about 12 years. It is 100% down to what I've learned working with Shelbion, and I can't recommend him enough.

Recommendedby 0xfade07/26/2024

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Shelbion was a fantastic coach. Very chill and extremely helpful. He was very accommodating with my schedule interruptions and was always eager to help me improve. He helped me gain very good fundamental, micro, and macro knowledge. I would not have improved as much as I did as quickly as I did without him, highly recommend

Recommendedby swpiedrahita09/05/2024

I am a very long-time player, and have been stuck in Plat/Emerald for about 6 years. This year I decided I wanted to get serious about finally reaching Diamond, and so sought out coaching I found Shelbion via a posting on Reddit, and reached out to him to see if it might be a good fit. He responded promptly, and was incredibly professional. He negotiated a price per session with me that was reasonable, given his level of expertise, and after an initial session to assess my current level and goals, we settled on 16 sessions to get what I needed from coaching. After 14 sessions, and about 4 months, I've hit Diamond for the first time, after playing for about 12 years. It is 100% down to what I've learned working with Shelbion, and I can't recommend him enough.

Recommendedby 0xfade07/26/2024

Shelbion is an amazing coach who you can tell from the start has immense knowledge of the game. So far, only have gotten half way with his coaching sessions but even so, I have thoroughly enjoyed the sessions. His in-depth explanations of certain game theories and methods have got me thinking about the laning/mid/and late game aspects differently. Personally, I think I've learned a lot from these coaching experiences and am looking forwards to more sessions with the man. Although I am still hardstuck (and still struggling with the abysmal teammates my elo often gives which is emerald) I am seeing improvements in my own performance - albeit there is still a lot to work on - and hopefully, I can hit my rank goals of diamond..... im sick of seeing green. To summarize, sessions are also appointed on your schedule, he is very open to questions outside of your coaching session, very deep knowledge of the game, and as long as you come into this coaching session as a student who is willing to learn, you will see improvements within a couple sessions.

Recommendedby jbai07/20/2024

I had an amazing experience with Shelbion as my League of Legends coach. Their deep knowledge of the game and personalized coaching style helped me improve my mechanics, map awareness, and strategies significantly. He explained concepts clearly and provided practical tips that I could immediately apply. My playstyle and confidence have both increased, and I now enjoy the game more than ever. Highly recommend!

Recommendedby botdraven06/18/2024

Shelbion was an extremely accommodating coach. Coming into the sessions we would hold, I was nervous with the fact that I'm more so an introverted person, but his personality was definitely comfortable. His approach to teaching is exceptional, focusing at first on basics that you wouldn't even know you needed improvement on, then of course moving on to more advanced topics like macro. Sessions are concise and conveniently scheduled, and if you encounter a question outside a session, he's very open and explicitly says to ask. As a whole I'm extremely satisfied with what I learned, and am grateful to have picked him among the sea of others.

Recommendedby fellrain05/16/2024

I can only recommend Shelbion as a coach. You can tell he likes working with people and really puts in an effort to establish a nourishing and enjoyable learning environment. A really great guy with even greater tips on how to improve. He focuses a lot on general improvements one can take instead of trying to micromanage actual gameplay, which I find a lot better in the long run. He is punctual, reliable and also very flexible regarding his appointments.

Recommendedby maffiamufin10/15/2023

Great Coach I'd never hired a coach before, but Shelbion was thorough and patient with our sessions. I had just dropped nearly a full rank when we started. As a season 1 player hardstuck gold I had a lot of bad habits and even worse macro. Shelbion helped me look at the game's fundamentals in a way I hadn't before. I didn't realize how much income and xp I was losing with bad recalls, last hits and bad decision making mid to late game. I finished my sessions with Shelbi a much more confident player. Thanks Shelbi!

Recommendedby pawnz10/14/2023

I have been receiving coaching from shelbion for a while now and my knowledge of the game has improved tremendously. He really makes you think of the game critically and doesnt give you bandaid fixes. He helps you find different biases in your gameplay and is overall an amazing coach.

Recommendedby fattypattydaddy10/14/2023

Shelbion has been my first coach and it has been a great experience taking 9 lessons from him. He is a kind and patient coach. I started in plat 4 and am now plat 3 and I feel like I have improved under his guidance although I haven´t climbed that much since our sessions started but I think it will pay of sooner than later. He has also taught me new concepts and solidified previous important knowledge I had. When I felt like I had different views on how I wanted to be taught like doing a VOD review or something he was understanding and we worked together. My main criticism is that he doesn't currently play soloq and have a rank which I think is an important quality in a lol coach. Challenger in previous season is not enough and i want to know what current rank my coach has.

Recommendedby hookborn10/14/2023

An absolutely phenomenal coach! He's very easy to talk to and makes sessions feel like you're hanging out with a friend. The way he coaches really makes you feel relaxed and at ease as well which made it a very fun and exciting experience. Everything he explained was done in a way that was very easy to understand, so, to anybody considering coaching that really wants to improve I would 100% recommend booking a session.

Recommendedby hellius10/13/2023

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