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Playstyle Analysis [30ā‚¬]

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Featured reviews

I was one of the lucky people to receive the free coaching from his first reddit thread. Let me tell you, it was so good that afterwards I asked him to send some money his way, simply because not only was the coaching good, it was really good! I had other coaches in the past, from the range of 10ā‚¬ - 50ā‚¬ per session (high elo players, professional coaches or ex pro players), and Leo was better than any of them! I reached my goal of hitting Master, I did that within 1 month of the coaching and attribute a good amount of progress to his coaching. Will definitely be a returning customer šŸ‘ā¤

Recommendedby medre06/19/2023

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he is very friendly, im not afraid to talk to him or tell him my mistakes, he solve my problem in lane and he spent so much time to make me learn a small mechanics that my stupid brain couldn't catch , i really enjoyed every session i took with him , i recommend him 1000000/10

Recommendedby msmintie12/15/2023

Leo is a wonderful coach. He provides a very mature perspective and lots of insights.

Recommendedby snorlaxonkush08/06/2023

I had an hour-long coaching session with Leo today and I had a great time. He was super nice and had a lot of insightful comments to make. Looking to book a follow-up session sometime in the future after I get the time to implement what I've learned into my gameplay!

Recommendedby blitzfeed708907/16/2023

Leo is a really great coach! He's patient and very insightful when it comes to his suggestions. He has a broad range of knowledge across a lot of different roles and champions, which I think helps him give individualized tips on how to pilot each champ, their powerspikes, and how they interact with the other 9 champions in each game. I think your money is well spent with Leo, and he's been really flexible in the past negotiating his coaching rates and offering free coaching. I've seen a decent amount of tips and coaching videos on Youtube, etc. and I heard new and specific tips that were helpful for my particular playstyle. I'm glad to see demand for his coaching grow and glad to see him do well!

Recommendedby qweruipo07/15/2023

I had a session with Leo that i got from his reddit post and i have to say one thing, that man can coach. I didnt play my best but i got so much out of the whole coaching, he helped me realise my mistakes, he made me notice what i had to think about and what i should and shouldnt be doing. Overall a great experience and i think it helped me a lot. Definitely would recommend.

Recommendedby giannispelle107/13/2023

Leo was extremely helpful with his coaching and I took away quite a lot from just an hour and a half session. He not only helped change my perspective on certain things, but he did so in an effective manner. He doesn't berate his students and order them around through the game but allows you to make mistakes so he can correct them. He will make real-time suggestions, but they aren't overbearing and are very useful in the present.

Recommendedby cardiacsarrest07/09/2023

I was lucky enough to get a free session and oh boy was I not disapointed Leo gives great insights and advice that makes total sense once he words it and most of the time he succeeds in bringing to the front mistakes that you don't even realize are mistakes He opens your eyes to the different options and possibilities that exist when you would think that your play was obvious and the only thing to do He can go as deep as why recalling at a certain timing is bad because it unravels all sorts of actions but he also knows when to keep stuff simple and keep your mind clear by bringing the basics and important stuffs that you might forget He can help you in your decision making during the game or be a simple spectator and let you play your game, but he will never fall in the bad coaching schema of piloting you This allows him to review your game afterward and talk about your decisions and your plays and not the ones he made you did, this is perfect for learning as you can get reasured during the game if you want and during replay analysis session you can have a honest replay of your every day game play I sure will be booking another session once I get stuck in elo, because I know for a fact that he will be able to point out mistakes and errors that are holding me back and not some one-time tip that you can find on youtube Oh, and also, he is very chill, speaks a perfect english, and makes you guess what is the best play, or what is the answer to his questions, instead of delivering every answer instantly letting you time to think and take educated guess, which allows you to be an actor of your learning and make things easier to remember

Recommendedby skazio07/08/2023

I was lucky to get a free coaching but i was kinda late for sign up and after a month i thought it will not happen, i was wrong. Leo messaged me over a month of me subbmiting for a coaching which was really suprising that he remembered about it. The session itself was worth the wait. He pointed me a mistakes that are not only specific to game we were viewing, but all games in general. Im definitely getting more sessions.

Recommendedby arcantos07/07/2023

Really good coach, I would totally recommend him! I learned that I wasn't being aware of a lot of stuff like opponent's vision while in lane, considering their perspective. I learned about what to do if I get killed early as a top laner any my lane is slow pushing towards enemy side. How to stay safe if I'm afraid of the enemy jungler using their vision. I learned to consider the wave state before and while roaming. I learned to be more mindful of the state of the wave I'm about to push mid-game. I should consider looking more at my teammates in order to make a decision if I can engage long-range. Considering if I should go forward to get important enemy CDs (nutz) to soak important ults and create space for my team. And more. Leo was articulate, wasn't invasive while I was playing the game (something I saw from other coaches), but giving direction and feedback. He knows that the main feedback is gonna be while watching the replay and he's very insightful, you can tell he's got plenty of experience with the game and with coaching.

Recommendedby kanthur07/07/2023

Great coach, explains everything clearly. Would recommend!

Recommendedby killidia07/05/2023

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