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Live game + review (1,5h)

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$35.00 (usd)

VOD Review (1h)

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$25.00 (usd)

Visionary Bundle (12h)

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$220.00 (usd)

Bootcamp (20h)

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$450.00 (usd)


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$800.00 (usd)

Featured reviews

I must say I'm impressed with Akemis knowledge and how easily she's able to teach. I've been stuck at a master 200lp range for a long time and this was exactly the help I needed. Akemi pointed out a lot of stuff that I didnt even think or know before and it just felt insanely good to learn all of this. She covered laning phase planning in details, helped me with camera movement and roams, positioning, wave management and also helped me with my mentality, which was also holding me back. Absolutely recommend her to anyone who really wants to improve, now I feel that with her help I'll hit grandmaster soon and look for her help with getting challenger.

Recommendedby Verified ProGuides Customer07/28/2021

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Akemi was great, very knowledgeable and helpful in all stages of the game, also very uplifting and supportive when it comes to plays that can be done better and some that are unavoidable. Would definitely schedule another session soon.

Recommendedby melig08/03/2024

Really great coach! Went into real laning phase details to make us stronger than the enemy. An enjoyable experience, great explanations and nice person overall. Thanks for the quality coaching session!

Recommendedby kurisoh07/06/2024

Best 1v1. I really learned a lot by our Yasuo mirror matchup. She is really skilled with that champ and showed me a lot of flashy plays. definitely recommend!

Recommendedby Verified ProGuides Customer05/18/2024

Super helpful and very generous with the tips to be a better player. Thank you

Recommendedby Verified ProGuides Customer09/01/2023
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Recommendedby Verified ProGuides Customer02/02/2023
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